Monday, October 15, 2012

October Contest

The contest this month wants to give away one of two books: The Fire Within or Goddess Girls: The Girl Games.

The Back of The Book

   When David moves in with Elizabeth Pennykettle and her eleven-year-old daughter, Lucy, he discovers a collection of clay dragons that come to life. David's own special dragon inspires him to write a story, which reveals the secrets behind a mystery. In order to solve the mystery and save his dragon, David must master the magic  of the fire within- not only with his hands but also with his         heart.

The Back of The Book

     Artemis, Presephone, Aphrodite, and Athena- the four most popular goddessgirls at MOA- are finally getting a chance to hold a girls-only Olympic Games.
     But organizing visiting athletes isn't easy. Artemis is trying to hard to do everything herself, Athena's in trouble over a winged horse named Pegasus, and Aphrodite and Presephone are fighting over a lost kitten named Adonis. Will everything come together in the end? Or will these Olympics be memorable for all the wrong reasons?

      Here are the steps to enter the contest:

  • Draw or take a picture of your awesome Halloween costume this year.
  • Create an email with the drawing as an attachment
  • Enter a description of your drawing/pic, the book that you want. May the most awesome costume win!
  • And send it to!

Pecy Jackson Series

Okay, so, my friends finally convinced me to read the Percy Jackson series after a long time (THANK YOU PAIGE AND SKYE), and I am so grateful!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I have not exactly finished it but I am on the Battle of the Labyrinth. I am almost finished with that one though.
     Oh! I also went to the Rick Riordan book signing in Winston Salem. I got his new book, The Mark of Athena and I got an orange Camp Half-Blood T-shirt.
     My friend Elena got this awesome book that I have never seen before. It was a Red Pyramid comic book. It was pretty cool. Also speaking of The Kane Chronicles, who else is sad that the Kane Chronicles is just a TRILOGY!}:(
      Okay and one last thing. During Rick's speech at Wake Forest University, he revealed that his upcoming books were going to be about Norse Gods (Thor, Loki, etc.) So yeah I would like to see what you all think about that.
Do you think the combination with Roman, Greek, and Norse Gods is to much?
Do you think it will be confusing?
Do you think it will be just fine?
Please Explain
Happy Reading!

Rating: 4 1/2 stars

Tuesday, September 18, 2012


Hi people,
I am at school writing this.
I am bored.
I am trying to find a good book.
I can't.
Nothing looks good.


Friday, September 14, 2012


Okay, so I got an email from Emma today and she said that she has read a book called Eragon and she wanted me to post it here. Here is a picture of some of the books in the series.
I am pretty sure those are not all of the books in the series but I could not find the other pics.
Rating: 4 1/2 stars

Happy reading


Okay so, on my english teachers website at school, she posted this really interesting question that I thought was really cool. Here it is:

Pick a character from a book, movie, or a historical person. Then think of what their face book status or their tweet would be. It's really fun.

This question comes from Cutinis English Corner.



Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Three Times Lucky

Three Times Lucky- a thrilling story with murder, kidnapping, car crashing, and natural disasters.

     This book is about a girl named Mo who who works in her guardians cafe with her best friend Dale. One day a detective rolls into town to stay only for a night, but when there is a murder in Mo's home town the detective will have to stay and solve the mystery and Mo is eager to help. Is this detective trustworthy? Or is the nothing but trouble?

Rating: 4 1/2 stars

Tuesday, August 21, 2012

A tale from Alcatraz

 Author: Genifer Choldenko

      This book is about a boy named Moose who lives on Alcatraz island because his dad works as a guard there. Alcatraz is come to worst criminals, cons, and murderers, so when Moose decides he wants to meet them, he realizes that living with a bunch of murderers, isn't all that cool.

After Natalie has spent just one night at the Esther P. Marinoff School, Mr. Purdy calls the Flanagans to let them know that Natalie isn't ready for the school. What reason does he give for sending her back home? 

Who is "105" and why does this person cause Moose so much anxiety?

Describe Moose's first contact with Piper Williams, the warden's daughter. What is Piper like, and how does Moose react to her? 

Monday, August 20, 2012

The Wild Queen

      Remember when I posted about the Young Royals series? Well, i also mentioned that the author, Carolyn Meyer released 3 other books in the series: The Bad Queen: Rules and Instructions for Marie Antoinette, The Duchessina: A Novel of Catherine de' Medici, and The Wild Queen: Days and Nights of Mary Queen of Scots.

     I am alomost finished with The Wild Queen and i have to say it is amazing so far. This is one the most amazing series of all time! You must read them all because after you read them, you will never see history the same way.

Saturday, August 18, 2012

The #1 need for future detectives


      This book is about learning how real life crimes are solved. It's really good if you want to be a police, scientist or detective some day. It tells you secrets, stories, and tips. It is a really good book.

Sorry about the picture.

Happy Reading!

Cute and Resourceful!

      During my last school year, I found this series of books to be very useful in my science studies. The pictures in these books are really cute and the descriptions are easy to follow. Another great thing about this that the characters in these books refer themselves in the first person but they are not really people. For example: In the series they have a book on the ocean. They have a lot of different sea creatures in the book. So if you go to the "Jellyfish" page, the paragraph will usually start like this: "Hi, I'm jellyfish. I am cousins to the anemones" etc. So i like that about the books.

They have books on..

  • Algebra and Geometry
  • Math
  • Astronomy
  • Oceans
  • Planet Earth
  • Chemistry
  • Periodic Table
  • Human Body
  • Technology
  • Rocks and Minerals
  • Biology
  • Music
  • Physics
  • Punctuation
  • Opposites
  • Time
  • Dinosaurs

Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Other Stuff

Ok honestly this has nothing to do with books but with some other things that i have been playing or watching.

Check out these apps

  • Geomon
  • Happy Street
  • Clue
  • Rescue Reef
  • Tiny Tower (if you havn't already, cause i know it is really popular
  • Ted

Happy Reading & Apping

Great Biography Series

     There is really good series of books out there called  Who Was....

     They have a really good selection of biographies of different people. So if you have a school project or just want to know more about people you should definitely read these. They are sort of short ( like 100 pages or something) but are packed with really good info! And they're also really easy to find because the people at the fron have really big heads. :p
     Here are the people they have writen books on (not sure if there is more though)

  1. Abraham Lincoln
  2. Albert Einstein
  3. Amelia Earhart
  4. Anne Frank
  5. Annie Oakly
  6. Babe Ruth
  7. Barack Obama
  8. The Beatles
  9. Ben Franklin
  10. Charles Darwin
  11. Claude Monet
  12. Daniel Boone
  13. Dr. Seuss
  14. Eleanor Roosevelt
  15. Elvis Presley
  16. Ferdinand Magellan
  17. Franklin Roosevelt
  18. George Washington
  19. Harriet Tubman
  20. Harry Houndini
  21. Helen Keller
  22. Jackie Robinson
  23. Jim henson
  24. John F. Kennedy
  25. Johnny Appleseed
  26. King Tut
  27. Leonardo da Vinci
  28. Louis Armstrong
  29. Marco Polo
  30. Maria Tallchief
  31. Mark Twain
  32. Martin Luther King Jr.
  33. Neil Armstrong
  34. Pablo Picasso
  35. Paul Revere
  36. Queen Elizabeth   (the first by the way)
  37. Ronald Regan
  38. Rosa Parks
  39. Sacagawea
  40. Steve Jobs
  41. Thomas Alva Edison
  42. Thomas Jefferson
  43. Walt Disney
  44. William Shakespear
  45. Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart


Happy Reading!

Accepting Suggestions You Know

     If you'd like to see one of your favorite books on this blog just write an email to me at! Also make sure to include descussion questions!

Happy Reading,


Tuesday, August 7, 2012

August Contest

Hey Bloggers!

     From now on i'm going to have contests every month that give away books and the first official contest day starts today!

      The contest this month wants to give away one of two books: The Fire Within or Goddess Girls: The Girl Games.

The Back of The Book

   When David moves in with Elizabeth Pennykettle and her eleven-year-old daughter, Lucy, he discovers a collection of clay dragons that come to life. David's own special dragon inspires him to write a story, which reveals the secrets behind a mystery. In order to solve the mystery and save his dragon, David must master the magic  of the fire within- not only with his hands but also with his         heart.

The Back of The Book

     Artemis, Presephone, Aphrodite, and Athena- the four most popular goddessgirls at MOA- are finally getting a chance to hold a girls-only Olympic Games.
     But organizing visiting athletes isn't easy. Artemis is trying to hard to do everything herself, Athena's in trouble over a winged horse named Pegasus, and Aphrodite and Presephone are fighting over a lost kitten named Adonis. Will everything come together in the end? Or will these Olympics be memorable for all the wrong reasons?

      Here are the steps to enter the contest:

  • Draw a picture of a scene in your favorite book.
  • Create an email with the drawing as an attachment
  • Enter a description of your drawing, the book that you want, and the address you want it shipped to
  • And send it to!

Contest starts August 30, 2012 and ends August 30, 2012

Happy Reading!

Monday, August 6, 2012

My Favorite Books

                                                                        The Secret Series

Personally, this series, is one of my favorites. If you haven't read them yet, THEN YOU MUST!!!

  • Author: Pseudonymous Bosch
  • Number Of Books in Series: 5 (1= The Name of this Book is Secret, 2= If you're reading this its too late, 3= This Book is Not Good For You, 4= This isn't What It Looks Like, 5= You Have to Stop this)
  • These books are about three kids, Cass, Max-Ernest, and Yo-Yoji who are in a super secret society. Their goal is to try to find out a special secret. That secret is called...THE SECRET!

   Here are a few discussion questions to get started with.

1.Who is your favorite character and why? 

2.What is your opinion on The Secret?

3. What's up with Cass and Yo-Yoji?

4. Do you think Pseudonymous Bosch should write another book?

OK one last thing here! Please report on this blog if you have seen any Midnight Sun sightings in your area.
Rating: Four and a half stars (not my rating, the peoples rating)

                                                        The Kane Chronicles

     It is kinda hard to say that any of these books are bad. This series is amazing! It is written in great detail and super funny too!

Author: Rick Riordan

Number of Books in Series: 3(so far) (1= The Red Pyramid, 2= The Throne of Fire, 3= The Serpents Shadow)

These books sort of have different objectives in each of the three stories. But are basically about two kids trying to save the world from destructive Egyptian Gods.

                                                   Discussion Ideas

1. Who is your favorite character and why?

2. Who do you think you are most like? Sadie or Carter? (not counting the gender)

3. Do you think Rick is going to write another book in the series? If yes, what would it be about?

     One question that I have been getting a lot is: Do you like the Percy Jackson Series or the Kane Chronicles better? I honestly have no idea because i haven't read the whole Percy Jackson series (*gasp* i know) But I'd like to see what you think. So comment on this blog and either say Percy or Kane. Then I'll count the comments for each side and the one that has the most votes is the winner.

Rating: Four and a half stars (this is not my rating, it's the peoples rating)


                                                   The Mysterious Benedict Society  

Author: Trenton Lee Stewart

Number of books in series: 4 (1= The Mysterious Benedict Society, 2= The Mysterious Benedict Society and the Perilous Journey, 3= The Mysterious Benedict Society and the Prisoner's Dilemma, 4= The Extraordinary Education of Nicholas Benedict.)

Don't have discussion questions for this book. Please e-mail some discussion ideas to me at to improve this post.   
Rating: Four and a half stars (this is not my rating, it's the peoples rating)

Young Royals                                                                                                            

Author: Carolyn Meyer

Number of books in series: Four (i do not think there is any specific order of the books but i would start with Patience Princess Catherine, then Doomed Queen Anne, then Mary Bloody Mary, the finally Beware Princess Elizabeth. This way u would be chronologically.)

These books are about the lives of King Henry VIII 's  wives and children. 

1. Who is your favorite character and why?

2. Whose side are you on Mary and Catherine or Elizabeth and Anne?

3. What other Tudor would you like to see in the series?

Oh and just in case you are interested Carolyn Meyer has three new books called The Wild Queen, The Bad Queen, and The Duchessina. I'm dying to read them!

Rating: 5 stars (this is not my rating this is the peoples)

Araminta Spookie Series

Author: Angie Sage

Number of books in series: 5 (1=My Haunted House, 2= The sword in the grotto, 3= Frognapped, 4= Vampire Brat, 5= Ghostsitters.)

This book is about a girl named araminta that lives in haunted house with her aunt and uncle.

1. Who is your favorite character and why?

2. What is your favorite book in the series?

3. How would you like to live in a  haunted house?

Rating: four and a half stars (this is not my rating, it is the peoples)

I hope you read these books because they are all awesome!

     Read some other books that you think are cool? email the title to me with some discussion questions and i'll be happy to put it on my blog. And i'll be sure to give you credit for the questions.

Happy Reading!


Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Hi people!

Welcome to my blog, The Great Book Garden. Here I post #1 books for young readers and give people the chance to create discussions.