Monday, August 6, 2012

My Favorite Books

                                                                        The Secret Series

Personally, this series, is one of my favorites. If you haven't read them yet, THEN YOU MUST!!!

  • Author: Pseudonymous Bosch
  • Number Of Books in Series: 5 (1= The Name of this Book is Secret, 2= If you're reading this its too late, 3= This Book is Not Good For You, 4= This isn't What It Looks Like, 5= You Have to Stop this)
  • These books are about three kids, Cass, Max-Ernest, and Yo-Yoji who are in a super secret society. Their goal is to try to find out a special secret. That secret is called...THE SECRET!

   Here are a few discussion questions to get started with.

1.Who is your favorite character and why? 

2.What is your opinion on The Secret?

3. What's up with Cass and Yo-Yoji?

4. Do you think Pseudonymous Bosch should write another book?

OK one last thing here! Please report on this blog if you have seen any Midnight Sun sightings in your area.
Rating: Four and a half stars (not my rating, the peoples rating)

                                                        The Kane Chronicles

     It is kinda hard to say that any of these books are bad. This series is amazing! It is written in great detail and super funny too!

Author: Rick Riordan

Number of Books in Series: 3(so far) (1= The Red Pyramid, 2= The Throne of Fire, 3= The Serpents Shadow)

These books sort of have different objectives in each of the three stories. But are basically about two kids trying to save the world from destructive Egyptian Gods.

                                                   Discussion Ideas

1. Who is your favorite character and why?

2. Who do you think you are most like? Sadie or Carter? (not counting the gender)

3. Do you think Rick is going to write another book in the series? If yes, what would it be about?

     One question that I have been getting a lot is: Do you like the Percy Jackson Series or the Kane Chronicles better? I honestly have no idea because i haven't read the whole Percy Jackson series (*gasp* i know) But I'd like to see what you think. So comment on this blog and either say Percy or Kane. Then I'll count the comments for each side and the one that has the most votes is the winner.

Rating: Four and a half stars (this is not my rating, it's the peoples rating)


                                                   The Mysterious Benedict Society  

Author: Trenton Lee Stewart

Number of books in series: 4 (1= The Mysterious Benedict Society, 2= The Mysterious Benedict Society and the Perilous Journey, 3= The Mysterious Benedict Society and the Prisoner's Dilemma, 4= The Extraordinary Education of Nicholas Benedict.)

Don't have discussion questions for this book. Please e-mail some discussion ideas to me at to improve this post.   
Rating: Four and a half stars (this is not my rating, it's the peoples rating)

Young Royals                                                                                                            

Author: Carolyn Meyer

Number of books in series: Four (i do not think there is any specific order of the books but i would start with Patience Princess Catherine, then Doomed Queen Anne, then Mary Bloody Mary, the finally Beware Princess Elizabeth. This way u would be chronologically.)

These books are about the lives of King Henry VIII 's  wives and children. 

1. Who is your favorite character and why?

2. Whose side are you on Mary and Catherine or Elizabeth and Anne?

3. What other Tudor would you like to see in the series?

Oh and just in case you are interested Carolyn Meyer has three new books called The Wild Queen, The Bad Queen, and The Duchessina. I'm dying to read them!

Rating: 5 stars (this is not my rating this is the peoples)

Araminta Spookie Series

Author: Angie Sage

Number of books in series: 5 (1=My Haunted House, 2= The sword in the grotto, 3= Frognapped, 4= Vampire Brat, 5= Ghostsitters.)

This book is about a girl named araminta that lives in haunted house with her aunt and uncle.

1. Who is your favorite character and why?

2. What is your favorite book in the series?

3. How would you like to live in a  haunted house?

Rating: four and a half stars (this is not my rating, it is the peoples)

I hope you read these books because they are all awesome!

     Read some other books that you think are cool? email the title to me with some discussion questions and i'll be happy to put it on my blog. And i'll be sure to give you credit for the questions.

Happy Reading!


1 comment:

  1. Hola Elke,
    he encontrado que tu blog es muy util no solo para los chicos sino para los padres. Gracias por tu esfuerzo es informativo y divertido. Sigue escribiendo sobre ellos.
