Tuesday, August 7, 2012

August Contest

Hey Bloggers!

     From now on i'm going to have contests every month that give away books and the first official contest day starts today!

      The contest this month wants to give away one of two books: The Fire Within or Goddess Girls: The Girl Games.

The Back of The Book

   When David moves in with Elizabeth Pennykettle and her eleven-year-old daughter, Lucy, he discovers a collection of clay dragons that come to life. David's own special dragon inspires him to write a story, which reveals the secrets behind a mystery. In order to solve the mystery and save his dragon, David must master the magic  of the fire within- not only with his hands but also with his         heart.

The Back of The Book

     Artemis, Presephone, Aphrodite, and Athena- the four most popular goddessgirls at MOA- are finally getting a chance to hold a girls-only Olympic Games.
     But organizing visiting athletes isn't easy. Artemis is trying to hard to do everything herself, Athena's in trouble over a winged horse named Pegasus, and Aphrodite and Presephone are fighting over a lost kitten named Adonis. Will everything come together in the end? Or will these Olympics be memorable for all the wrong reasons?

      Here are the steps to enter the contest:

  • Draw a picture of a scene in your favorite book.
  • Create an email with the drawing as an attachment
  • Enter a description of your drawing, the book that you want, and the address you want it shipped to
  • And send it to jellyfishperson@gmail.com!

Contest starts August 30, 2012 and ends August 30, 2012

Happy Reading!